Cup and Cloth Basic Demo Kit
by Stone Soup
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Original price
Rs. 1,270.00
Original price
Rs. 1,270.00
Original price
Rs. 1,270.00
Original price
Rs. 1,270.00
Current price
Rs. 950.00
Rs. 950.00
Rs. 950.00
Current price
Rs. 950.00
This is a demo kit that contains samples of various sustainable menstrual hygiene products. THESE PRODUCTS ARE FOR DEMO ONLY, NOT FOR RESALE/USE. Hence products are provided without packaging.
To know more or conduct sessions in your communities, do write to support@stonesoup.in
Stonesoup Wings Regular Cup (stemless) - 1 number
Cloth Pantyliner - 1 number
Regular Medium Cloth Pad (Mandya Classic) - 1 number
Large Cloth Pad (Mandya Heavy)- 1 number
Foldable Pad (Dharwad Pad) - 1 number
Jacket/insert Pad (Ladli Pad) - 1 number
Pak A Pad (pouch for carrying pads) - 1 number
Uterus Model - 1 number
Country of Origin: India